Surgical/Operating Room Technician
Degrees and Certificates
Surgical/Operating Room Technician Short-Term Certificate
SUR 101: Introduction to Surgical Technology
This course is an introduction to the field of surgical technology as a career. Emphasis is on the
role of the surgical technologist, principles of asepsis and principles of patient care, surgical
procedures, operative techniques, blood-borne pathogens, safety, and pharmacology. Additionally the
principles of microbiology, and professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities of the surgical team will
be covered. Upon completion of this course students should be able to describe methods to maintain a sterile
environment, and recognize members of the operating room team according to their roles.
SUR 102: Applied Surgical Techniques
This course is the application of principles of asepsis and the role of the surgical technologist.
Emphasis is placed on creating and maintaining a sterile environment, identification of surgical
instruments, equipment, and supplies, proper patient positioning for surgical procedures, and applying
skills of intraoperative procedures. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to name and
select basic surgical instruments, supplies, and equipment, participate in mock surgical procedures.
SUR 103: Surgical Procedures
This course is a study of surgical procedures as they relate to anatomy, pathology, specialty equipment, and team responsibility. Patient safety is emphasized and medications used in surgery are discussed. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to participate in surgical procedures in the operating room.
Successful completion of SUR 101 and SUR 102.
SUR 104: Surgical Practicum I
This course is the application of surgical principles in the perioperative setting. Emphasis is placed on application of surgical technology skills. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to participate in the surgical technologist role.