Advisors – Ayers Campus: Peyton Amberson, Precision Machining Building (256.835.5417)
East Broad Campus: Daniel Anderson, Machine Technology Building (256.549.8644);
NOTICE(s): For the A.A.S. Degree in Precision Machining, the student must complete a minimum of 74 credit hours—a minimum of 59 in technical courses and a minimum of 15 in general education courses—all of which must be approved by the advisor. A maximum of 9 credit hours of technical electives may be selected from any approved area of Engineering Technology programs with prior written approval from the student's major advisor. Admission Requirement: High school diploma or GED.
The student is responsible for verifying the transferability of credit in this program to a senior institution with the appropriate senior institution advisor.
Area I — Written Composition
Area II — Humanities and Fine Arts
Area III — Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Area IV — History, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Area V - Required Technical Courses
Additional Coursework:
Choose 30 credit hours from the following list.