Degrees and Certificates
Radiography A.A.S.
RAD 111: Introduction to Radiography
RAD 112: Radiographic Procedures I
RAD 113: Patient Care
RAD 114: Clinical Education I
RAD 122: Radiographic Procedures II
RAD 124: Clinical Education II
RAD 125: Imaging Equipment
RAD 134: Clinical Education III
RAD 135: Exposure Principles
RAD 136: Radiation Protection and Biology
This course provides the student with principles of radiation protection and biology. Topics include radiation protection responsibility of the radiographer to patients, personnel and the public, principles of cellular radiation interaction and factors affecting cell response. Upon completion the student will demonstrate knowledge of radiation protection practices and fundamentals of radiation biology
RAD 212: Image Evaluation and Pathology
RAD 214: Clinical Education IV
RAD 224: Clinical Education V
This course provides students with the opportunity to correlate previous instruction with applications in the clinical setting. Students will be under the direct supervision of a qualified practitioner. Practical experience in a clinical setting enables students to apply theory presented thus far and to practice radiographic equipment manipulation, radiographic exposure, routine radiographic positioning, identification, and patient care techniques. Principles of other imaging modalities will be presented. Upon completion of the course, students will demonstrate practical applications of radiographic procedures presented in current and previous courses.
RAD 227: Review Seminar
This course provides a consolidated and intensive review of the basic areas of expertise needed by the entry level technologist. Topics include basic review of all content areas, test taking techniques and job seeking skills. Upon completion students will be able to pass comprehensive tests of topics covered in the Radiologic Technology Program.