Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Degrees and Certificates
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration A.A.S. -
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Certificate -
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Short-Term Certificate
ACR 111: Principles of Refrigeration
This course emphasizes the fundamental principles for air conditioning and refrigeration. Instruction is provided in the theory and principles of refrigeration and heat transfer, HVAC/R system components, common, and specialty tools for HVAC/R, and application of the concepts of basic compression refrigeration. Upon completion, students should identify system components and understand their functions, identify and use common and specialty HVAC/R tools, and maintain components of a basic compression refrigeration system.
ACR 112: HVACR Service Procedures
ACR 113: Refrigeration Piping Practices
ACR 119: Fundamentals of Gas Heating Systems
ACR 120: Fundamentals of Electric Heating Systems
ACR 121: Principles of Electricity for HVACR
ACR 122: HVACR Electric Circuits
ACR 123: HVAC/R Electrical Components
ACR 125: Fundamentals of Gas and Electrical Heating Systems
ACR 126: Commercial Heating Systems
ACR 127: HVACR Electric Motors
ACR 128: Heat Load Calculations
ACR 130: Computer Assisted HVAC Troubleshooting
ACR 132: Residential Air Conditioning
ACR 133: Domestic Refrigeration
ACR 134: Ice Machines
ACR 135: Mechanical/Gas/Safety Codes
ACR 138: Customer Relation in HVAC
ACR 144: Basic Drawing and Blueprint Reading in HVAC
ACR 147: Refrigerant Transition and Recovery Theory
ACR 148: Heat Pump Systems I
ACR 149: Heat Pump Systems II
ACR 150: Basic Sheet Metal Processes
ACR 151: Duct Design and Fabrication
ACR 152: Heat Pump Systems
ACR 181: Special Topics in ACR I
ACR 182: Special Topics in ACR II
ACR 183: Special Topics in ACR
ACR 184: Special Topics In ACR
This course provides students with opportunities to experience hands-on application of specialized instruction in various areas related to the air conditioning and refrigeration industry.
ACR 185: Special Topics in ACR
ACR 186: Special Topics in ACR
ACR 192: HVAC Apprenticeship/Internship
ACR 193A: Co-Op
These courses constitute a series wherein the student works on a part-time basis in a job directly related to Air Conditioning/Refrigeration. In these courses the employer evaluates the student's productivity and the student submits a descriptive report of his work experiences. Upon completion, the student will demonstrate skills learned in an employment setting.
ACR 193B: Co-Op
These courses constitute a series wherein the student works on a part-time basis in a job directly related to Air Conditioning/Refrigeration. In these courses the employer evaluates the student's productivity and the student submits a descriptive report of his work experiences. Upon completion, the student will demonstrate skills learned in an employment setting.
ACR 193C: Co-Op
These courses constitute a series wherein the student works on a part-time basis in a job directly related to Air Conditioning/Refrigeration. In these courses the employer evaluates the student's productivity and the student submits a descriptive report of his work experiences. Upon completion, the student will demonstrate skills learned in an employment setting.
ACR 194: Co-Op
ACR 195: Co-Op
ACR 200: Review for Contractors Exam
ACR 202: Special Refrigeration Systems
ACR 203: Commercial Refrigeration
ACR 205: System Sizing and Air Distribution
ACR 209: Commercial Air Conditioning Systems
ACR 210: Troubleshooting HVACR Systems
ACR 211 : Building Automation and Engineering I
Students study the basic components of a simple building automation system, controlling a small variable air volume air handling unit that serves various air terminals, an air handling unit, and how they interact. In addition, students are introduced to the basics of block-based programming related to commercial HVAC systems, properly installing various field devices and their associated wiring, and analyzing for proper installing.
ACR 212: Building Automation and Engineering II
Students continue to develop their understanding of building automation systems topics, focusing on developing engineering documents and creating and implementing advanced energy efficiency sequences of operation. Through this capstone course, students participate in a project-based learning exercise wherein they will repair and replace an antiquated control system.