Advisors – East Broad Campus:
Brooke Davis, Realtime Reporting Building (256.549.8694)
Leah Elkins, Realtime Reporting Building (256.549.8693)
Michelle Roberts, Realtime Reporting Building (256.549.8629)
Notice(s): *Required by NCRA For the A.A.S. Degree in Court Reporting, the student must complete a minimum of 76 credit hours – a minimum of 61 in technical courses and a minimum of 15 in general education courses – all of which must be approved by the program advisor. Courses will be selected from those listed below.
This program is offered at the East Broad Campus only. Please click here for additional admission criteria.
Area I — Written Composition
Area II — Humanities and Fine Arts
Area III — Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Area IV — History, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Area V - Technical Courses
Additional Coursework
Choose 8 credit hours from the following list: