Welding Technology
Degrees and Certificates
Welding Technology Certificate -
Welding Technology Pipe Tube Welding Short-Term Certificate -
Welding Technology Short-Term Certificate
WDT 100: Introduction to Applied Technologies
The course is designed to introduce the student to the basic concepts, terminology, and procedures associated with applied analytical skills needed to succeed in higher level courses to include: basic mathematical applications, use of scientific calculators, measurements, and geometric and triangulation methods. This course is also taught as ABR 100, AUM 100, DEM 100.
WDT 108: SMAW Fillet/OFC
WDT 109: SMAW Fillet/Pac/Cac
WDT 110: Industrial Blueprint Reading
WDT 115: GTAW Carbon Pipe
WDT 116: GTAW Stainless Pipe
WDT 119: Gas Metal Arc/Flux Cored Arc Welding
WDT 120: Shielded Metal Arc Welding Groove
WDT 122: SMAW Fillet/OFC Lab
WDT 123: SMAW Fillet/Pac/CAC Lab
WDT 124: Gas Metal Arc/Flux Cored Arc Welding Lab
WDT 125: Shielded Metal Arc Welding Groove Lab
WDT 155: GTAW Carbon Pipe Lab
WDT 156: GTAW Stainless Pipe Lab
WDT 157: Consumable Welding Processes
WDT 158: Consumable Welding Processes Lab
WDT 160: Robotics Lab I
This course is the practical application of robotics theory. Students will complete machine origins, robotic programming, robotic welding parameters, link programs to create jobs, and allocate a weave start.
WDT 162: Consumable Welding Applications
WDT 163: Consumable Welding Applications Lab
WDT 166: Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW)
WDT 167: Flux Core Arc Welding Lab
WDT 180: Special Topics
WDT 181: Special Topics Lab
WDT 182: Special Topics
WDT 183: Special Topics
WDT 183 M: Special Topics Lab
WDT 184: Special Topics
WDT 193: Co-Op
WDT 217: SMAW Carbon Pipe
WDT 218: Certification
WDT 219: Welding Inspection & Testing
WDT 221: Pipefitting and Fabrication
WDT 223: Blueprint Reading for Fabrication
WDT 228: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
WDT 229: Boiler Tube
WDT 230: Orbital Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
WDT 240: Orbital Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Lab
WDT 250: Pipe Preparation for Orbital Welding Lab
WDT 257: SMAW Carbon Pipe Lab
WDT 258: Certification Lab
WDT 259: GTAW Groove Lab
This course provides students with skills needed to perform gas tungsten arc welds using ferrous metals, according to applicable welding codes. Topics include safe operating practices, equipment identification and set-up, correct selection of tungsten type, polarity, shielding gas and filler metals. Upon completion, a student should be able to identify safe operating practices, equipment identification and setup, correct selection of tungsten type, polarity, shielding gas, filler metals and various welds on ferrous and/or non-ferrous metals, using the gas tungsten arc welding process according to applicable welding codes.
WDT 268: Gas Tungsten Arc Lab
WDT 269: Boiler Tube Lab
WDT 281: Special Topics in Welding Technology
WDT 286A: Co-Op
These courses constitute a series wherein the student works on a part-time basis in a job directly related to welding. In these courses the employer evaluates the student's productivity and the student submits a descriptive report of his work experiences. Upon completion, the student will demonstrate skills learned in an employment setting.
WDT 286B: Co-Op
These courses constitute a series wherein the student works on a part-time basis in a job directly related to welding. In these courses the employer evaluates the student's productivity and the student submits a descriptive report of his work experiences. Upon completion, the student will demonstrate skills learned in an employment setting.
WDT 286C: Co-Op
These courses constitute a series wherein the student works on a part-time basis in a job directly related to welding. In these courses the employer evaluates the student's productivity and the student submits a descriptive report of his work experiences. Upon completion, the student will demonstrate skills learned in an employment setting.